Want to be a rep?
Welcome Reps new and old to apply! We are excited to start this new chapter of ELAB with you for Sprng)! Repping is about having fun and earning discounts and freebies as you go. Below you can find all the info you need to apply and have your questions answered. Reps will be chosen based off of picture quality, sharing and posting ability, age ranges, and enthusiasm. Please read below to see if ELAB is a good fit for you and apply at the bottom of the page. Rep Team will be picked Monday 1/27/25

Who are we?
Evelyn Lane Apparel & Evelyn Lane Bows (interchangeable and both evelynlaneapparel.com and evelynlanebows.com lead to same site) was created back in 2019 after Evie was born and I had to spilt from her Dad. I needed a job asap but wanted to work at home to stay with her but also make money. I say ELAB was born the day Evie was. Learn more on the ABOUT US page.

What do we do?
ELAB offers all handmade items currently. Both hair bows and apparel are created by Kristi. Some items are more cost and time consuming than others but we try to keep an affordable price for handmade items.

What is expected as a Rep?
I ask that you utilize social media to help promote the business and brand. Use Facebook, Instagram, tiktok, Lemon, X (and so on) to make posts or share items that are posted from the business page. I ask that you make at least one post a week on your personal social media of choice (Facebook, Instagram, or Tiktok). If you use multiple and want to cross post, that would be amazing! I also ask that you like and comment on other Reps post as well as the business page and VIP group posts. We want to boost the algorithm as much as possible and the best way is to stay active on posts by yourself and on others. For all drops, I ask you post flyer in rep groups or on personal page and not in VIP. Facebook has VIP group shadow banned due to high sharing of same image and marked as spam. For drop posts, use a picture you have taken of product OR comment your code under Kristi's pinned post in the group. Please also comment on business page post, I will share link to posts in our group chat.

What should the posts be about?
Posts should include at least 1 ELAB item and be clear, clutter free pictures. Something that is easy to see what the post is about. Try to stay away from really dark or blurry photos. If you Rep for another company and have those items in the picture I ask you to post that shop too and drop your code if you rep for them as well! We want to support as much as we can, even if the other shop has similar items to ELAB

Proof of Post
We have a no screenshot policy. Many shops require a screenshot of your post to show you are active but I find them tedious and annoying to do. I look all the time at posts so I see them and can tell when you post. My social medias are built around ELAB so I get notified when something about ELAB is said or shown.

What if I don't make a post?
If you need a break from Repping for a busy time in life or just time for family and may become inactive temporarily, let me know and it won't affect your discount or rep status. Repping should be fun and things like family and life are first. If you become inactive for longer than two weeks, I will reach out to check on you. If I get no response or if you decide repping is no longer for you, I will remove you from rep list and group chat.

Rep Codes
Everyone gets 2 codes. One is your Rep Code and one is your Personal Discount Code. A Rep code is the code you give out on your posts and to family & friends in real life. That codes gives them 10% off their purchase. You get the choose this code (typically your name, daughter's name, or something that has personal meaning). A Personal Discount Code is the code ONLY FOR YOU and gives you the 25% off your purchase and not to be given out to anyone. This code can be used at anytime. I provide this code to you. Only PRE ORDER ITEMS WILL BE 45% off only going forward. All preorders will close TWO WEEKS before drop date. When you receive your items, please take pictures of items to promote the drop. Your rep discount code WILL scale for all sales. Example: if I run a 30% off sale, your discount will scale to 55% off. If I run a buy 2 get 1 free, You will receive buy 2 get 2 free. I will give chances to win store credit with contests or will offer free items to those that I see doing hard work repping.

Rep Groups and ISO Posts
Posting to Rep groups is highly encouraged. ISO (in-search-of) comments and answers in rep groups are highly encouraged. This can be used as your way to help promote the drop outside of the VIP group. Make sure only comment if we meet their requirements (TAT, Size Range, Styles, etc). Many times people just post their code and link to a site without actually reading what the person is looking for. Try to also include a picture relevant. I like to comment on ISO posts when I'm bored scrolling through Facebook. If someone is looking for hairbows I use www.evelynlanebows.com and if they are looking for clothes I use www.evelynlaneapparel.com to give to them but you may chose either.